Call Of Duty: 15 Iconic Moments That Confirm Its Genius

4. Black Ops 2 €“ Freedom To Choose

For anyone aware of the pre-release propaganda for BLOPS 2, one of the touted aspects was the freedom to choose. Admittedly this wasn't the first time in-game choice was introduced to the franchise (that was Call Of Duty 3) but it was in Treyarch's latest release that the concept was fully utilised. Despite the naturally linear nature of the current FPS genre, the ability to choose what path to pursue in-game could lead to a radically different experience. But that isn't the tip of the iceberg. At various points in the campaign you could fail objectives or even accomplish them differently, leading to an ending tailor-made to the player's exploits. This makes the game even more personal, as the game feels more akin to a journey than a narrow succession of kill rooms. This aspect of choice isn't solely wasted on the main campaign however...

I’ve been a film fan for as long as I can remember, with one of my earliest memories watching my dad’s copy of Star Wars one rainy afternoon in the mid-nineties. Then the 21st century happened, and my interests developed from there – mainly including comics and video-games, and recently an introduction into WWE. It’s a good time for popular culture. Follow me on Twitter: @TW0_ST3P or on Facebook: