Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare - 10 Big Reasons To Buy It

7. New Game Modes - Uplink And Momentum

Call of Duty has been around for ages now and it's built up a selection of classic game modes which are always sure to pull players in. Advanced Warfare brings twelve game modes to the party, the majority of which you'll have seen before. Still, that's not a bad thing; Search & Destroy is always an intense experience and Capture The Flag should be a blast with the upgraded movement abilities. Advanced Warfare does introduce two new game modes though, just in case you're bored of the classics. Uplink is focused on team work and sees two teams battling for control of a satellite drone. It can be passed between teammates (hopefully allowing you to trick the enemy into going after the wrong player) which will be necessary as the team bids to deliver it into the opponent's base for the win. Momentum will be familiar to Call of Duty fans as it is based off of the classic War game type. This plays a lot like Domination (teams fight over control points) but only one point is available at a time. This prevents the action from being spread out as teams battle it out in Call of Duty's version of tug of war. Killing the opponent and capturing points will increase your team's momentum, making them take control of future points quicker, hopefully creating fast paced gameplay and nail-biting close finishes. Whatever your specialty mode is, Advanced Warfare looks set to have you covered.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.