Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare - 10 Big Reasons To Buy It

6. Advanced Arsenal

Of course when you're utilising future tech to power super-soldiers, you're going to have to equip them with some futuristic weapons. A Heavy Weapons set has been introduced which features a variety of hefty machine guns plus a couple of 'directed energy weapons' which look set to cause a stir. The EM1 fires a non-stop energy beam which does the best damage within the Heavy Weapons class but also has a tendency to overheat, preventing constant abuse. The EPM3 is a semi-automatic Plasma Rifle which will probably be the go-to choice for Heavy Weapon users who like a bit of accuracy, especially when compared to the high fire-rate of the machine guns. Even more interesting is the XMG; two fully automatic machine guns which the player can fire akimbo. Undoubtedly the fire-rate will be insane but if you're able to tackle it, it could be a pretty dominant weapon. Every weapon within (including Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns and the like) will come with 10 custom options, providing "nearly 350 custom weapons" according to Activision. Most of these options will probably revolve around sights or silencers, but with the idea of the Advanced Arsenal we might see some more creative options. We're still expecting the traditional AK-47 to make an appearance though.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.