Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Review - 6 Reasons It's Awesome (And 4 Reasons It's Not)

2. Lack Of Small, Gimmicky Maps

Though the map selection is on the whole fantastic and the Exosuit doesn't really invite restrictive maps, the series continues to lack a single tiny, arena-esque map like the classic Shipment (Modern Warfare) or Rust (Modern Warfare 2). These maps (Shipment especially) were so small that you couldn't go two seconds without seeing an enemy, and though chaotic, were hugely popular with fans (probably because they're an easy way to level up), Sadly, recent games haven't included any similar, gimmicky maps (perhaps because Activision don't want players leveling too quickly), and though the selection for AW is itself pretty great, the inclusion of just one small, intense map (even if it were an HD remake of Shipment) would make the rotation even better. This one's unlikely to come to fruition, sadly, but if it came along in a map pack DLC, it might actually be one worth paying for...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.