Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Review - 6 Reasons It's Awesome (And 4 Reasons It's Not)

1. Kevin Spacey

And of course, who can forget the inclusion of one of Hollywood's greats, Kevin Spacey, as the villainous President of Atlas, Jonathan Irons? Though the CoD series is no stranger to Holllywood talent (Gary Oldman, Kiefer Sutherland and Sam Worthington have all had significant parts in previous games), this is the first game to really harness an actor's star power and make the most of it. The photo-realistic visuals are a major plus for Spacey's appearance, impressively recreating the actor's facial expressions and, with a spirited vocal performance from the actor himself, help create a thoroughly believable villain. Though Spacey does have the odd ropey line of dialogue to chew through, he does so with admirable enthusiasm, and unlike so many celebrity voice actors in video games, clearly isn't just phoning it in to pay off a yacht. Plus, for anyone who watches House of Cards, seeing the video game-addicted Frank Underwood in a game (considering that he and Irons are rather alike) is just too deliciously fun to pass up. So, that's why you absolutely should be picking up Advanced Warfare this weekend, but what about the areas where it doesn't quite measure up? Here are 4 reasons why AW isn't quite so awesome all the time...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.