Call Of Duty Ghosts: 8 Reasons We're All Sick Of Annual Instalments

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call_of_duty_mw_2_ghost_by_rg4m3r-d2yvvwi-1024x640 Yes, Call Of Duty is not for people who are after a storyline but then the question is raised as to why it is included at all? They've tried to spruce things up a bit but not using the Russians for once in Ghosts by instead giving us South America. No inside cell trying to overthrow the US, no terrorists from the middle-east, not even an invasion by China; instead we get South America rising up and taking over the world. It's understandable that its a FPS so we can hardly have romance thrown in or any great plot twists, but why is it that over 7 games we only get one moving moment? When Soap dies the music playing and Price's anguish go together beautifully so it shows that perhaps people aren't asleep in the writing department, but that was 2 years ago and since then we've had nothing but junk. I don't want to spoil the ending of Ghosts for you as Infinity Ward have tried their dam hardest to ruin the game itself, but the little twist shows us how unwilling they are to get off the Call Of Duty bandwagon. Whilst it is understandable to leave the game on a cliffhanger to ensure people buy the next instalment in the series Infinity Ward need to at least make it a tad believable. At the end of Modern Warfare 2 it was difficult to believe that Shepard had managed to climb out of the wreckage of the helicopter and still manage to beat up two soldiers but I guess they were groggy from the fall as well. The ending of Ghosts however takes the cake, he'd been beaten up, shot, stabbed, involved in a horrendous train derailment, drowned and involved in an explosion YET he can still beaten up one Ghost and then drag the other away? Come on guys, take a year off and work out how to make the games a bit more enjoyable to enjoy rather then releasing button smashing bullet spraying travesty year after year.

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