Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare: 12 Best Ever Load Outs

6. Best Sniping Class

Primary Weapon: MORS The Doctor Primary Weapon Attachments: Ballistic CPU, Variable Zoom Scope Secondary Weapon: PDW Secondary Weapon Attachments: Akimbo Tier 1 Perk: Low Profile Tier 2 Perk: Cold Blooded Tier 3 Perk: Blast Suppressor Wildcard: None Exo Ability: Exo Cloak Exo Launcher: x2 Explosive Drones Scorestreak: UAV (Threat Detection), Remote Turret (Support, Rocket Turret, and Sentry) The MORS is generally considered the best sniper rifle in Advanced Warfare: it is easy to get a one shot kill with, but still handles well and is relatively fast to aim with. Default sniper sights have been known to be slightly off in this game, so a Variable Zoom Scope will be more useful than usual. A Ballistic CPU will also cut down on the amount the gun sways while aiming, making it easier to hit with. Close-range is typically the weakness of snipers, so the PDW makes a fine secondary. When you run this gun with Akimbo, you€™ll have a lot of close-range firepower. Low Profile will be necessary as having your location get revealed would not be good. Additionally, Cold Blooded will help you avoid unwanted attention between shots. Blast Suppressor will also be needed so you can freely move without anyone knowing where to look for you. Exo Cloak will come in handy when you need to move undetected or escape somewhere else, as it will keep you transparent for ten seconds. The Explosive drone works similarly to a mine, and can be planted nearly anywhere. This should be used nearby you to protect you while you€™re vulnerable. UAV with Threat Detection will be useful as usual, but especially when you€™re sniping. A Remote Turret will also be useful to guard routes near your location with the Sentry customization. Rocket will up the turret€™s firepower with an explosive rocket, and Support will make this Scorestreak far easier to earn.

Freelance Writer and net entrepreneur extraordinaire! Also an avid fan of video games, anime, and action figures. Currently hopping to finish a backlog of video games spanning into the 90’s.