Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare: 12 Best Ever Load Outs

5. Best CQC Class

Primary Weapon: S12 Primary Weapon Attachments: Advanced Riffling, Laser Sight, Foregrip Secondary Weapon: MP443 Grach Secondary Weapon Attachments: None Tier 1 Perk: Lightweight Tier 2 Perk: None Tier 3 Perk: Scavenger Wildcard: Primary Gunfighter Exo Ability: Exo Overclock Exo Launcher: x2 Semtex Scorestreak: UAV (With Support and Threat Detection), Orbital Care Package (with Support) As a fully automatic shotgun, the S12 provides a lot of potential for close-range combat. Even with a bad aim or if you€™re surprised, it€™s hard to miss someone while using this gun. Advanced Riffling will help extend your range which is important with shotguns, and a Laser Sight will tighten your hip-spread which is also very important at close-range. Lastly, a Foregrip will greatly help with controlling the recoil on this gun, as it can be difficult while aiming down sights. The MP443 Grach will act as a solid back up at close-range, and will be needed as it€™s easy to run out of ammo with the S12. To maximize your movement speed, Lightweight will be beneficial; the only other perk you greatly need is scavenger to recover ammo for the S12. Exo Overclock€™s speed bonus will help you for rushing enemies and getting into effective range faster. Semtex grenades are among the best Exo Launcher items in the game. At close range, you can get kills with these even if they do not detonate until after you have died and respawned, it will still count if it kills someone. UAVs will help you avoid surprises with Threat Detection, and Orbital Care Packages will give you a chance at a plethora of useful Scorestreaks without having to build up to them. For both, it€™s best you use Support as a conservative play style will be less effective with this set up.

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