Call of Duty Black Ops 2: 10 Reasons It'll Be The Best CoD Yet

want it to fail, but there's the overwhelming feeling that, whether it's good or bad, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is going to shift a Hell of a lot of units. As people have finally come to terms with Treyarch being so heavily involved in the series - despite originally being seen as the "B-brand" CoD developers - it appears that they're about to deliver a daring, make-or-break entry into the series that will either disprove those expecting "the same old thing", or resign us all that the series is in a rut it can't break out of. Still, Treyarch are definitely indulging their ambition, and so here's 10 reasons why we think it will, in fact, be the best one yet.

10. Treyarch Are Listening

While Infinity Ward and Treyarch have both been guilty in the past of not actually listening to series complaints and simply coasting on their laurels - as well as their huge grosses - it does at least appear that the developers are taking this change of pace seriously. Every gamer who ever said these games are exactly the same aesthetic, loadout, premise and so on are hopefully going to be pleasantly surprised by Treyarch's new approach. With a new time period, opened-up single player, refined multiplayer, and a self-awareness about the battle between the practical past and adventurous future - as envisioned by the horses vs. helicopter shot from above - there's the hope that this could be the saviour the series has been crying out for. Above all else, the game's developers know that they are faced with a potentially stale product, and if they want to keep those ridiculous opening day sales high, they are going to need to listen to their fans and change things up accordingly. From what we've seen so far, it seems like they might actually have done that.


Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]