Call of Duty Black Ops 2: 10 Reasons It'll Be The Best CoD Yet

9. It's Set In The Future

Given that the Call of Duty series had pretty much milked World War II and the Vietnam war for all they're worth, it's hugely refreshing that Black Ops 2 finally takes the series into the future - albeit the near-future - as many have been wishing it would for a long time. It's fair to say that plenty of what we've seen so far looks absolutely ridiculous - at least in comparison to the more grounded approach of the Modern Warfare titles - but hopefully this will be in a positive way; after all, does anyone take these games that seriously in the first place, what with their Richard Nixon cameos and Nazi zombies? If this futuristic approach gives Treyarch a blank cheque to do what they like, and hopefully open the game up a bit, then it can hardly be a bad thing. Above all else, it should help distinguish CoD - as it sorely needs to be - from the glut of military shooters crowding our screens; the 2025 setting, with its insane vehicles and thought-provoking plot - about the value of a soldier in a technologically advanced world - seems a might more imaginative than what we're used to from the series. Whether it works in execution, then, is the next question.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]