Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 - 7 Reasons It's The Best One Yet (And 4 It's Not)

2. The Movement System Is A Wasted Opportunity

Last year's Advanced Warfare changed the game significantly by introducing the Exo-suits, which allowed the player to fly around the maps during multiplayer, essentially adding a whole other plane of verticality to the already insane twitch shooter mayhem. BO3 appears to build on this by adding wall-running, which while an enjoyable enough mechanic, doesn't really see the vast movement options reach their full potential. Despite suit thrusters allowing you to boost around the map, most of the maps' high-up ledges, roofs and so on cannot be climbed using your boosters, which seems incredibly lazy given how closely you can fly to them before hitting an invisible wall. Considering how much effort has clearly been poured into the game in other areas, this is rather underwhelming. The same is sadly true in the campaign, too. Much like Advanced Warfare, the story mode imposes major restrictions on you regarding these abilities: your boosting abilities are largely taken away, all the more infuriating because you can watch other characters in your team doing it freely. If these movement mechanics remain for the next game, please, please allow players to scale buildings and other high-up fixtures, and build a campaign around the exciting potential of all this free-form movement.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.