Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 Beta - 12 Things You Need To Know

4. Some Weapons & Abilities Are Wildly Over-Powered

One of the major reasons for holding a beta of a game like CoD is balancing: with so many mathematical variables, developers don't always get this right, and so the best way to test it is with thousands of players out in the field. It's just as well, because there are definitely a couple of evident balancing issues in the game, especially as it pertains to the Specialists. For one, the Tempest electric shotgun weapon doesn't just deliver a savage one-shot kill, but can also chain up kills against anyone else in the immediate vicinity. As for abilities? The level 28 Rejack (under the Specialist callsign Nomad) gives players the ability to revive after being killed, resurrecting in a cloud of smoke from which they can continue their assault on whoever "killed" them, without any of their score-streaks resetting, no less. It's cool if you have it, sure, but given that it's basically Last Stand on crack and is so easy to obtain, it seems a little much. Hopefully these two in particular will be nerfed a little before release, especially considering the vocal Twitter outrage over Rejack in particular.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.