Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 - 8 Mistakes Activision Have Already Made

2. Changing How Specialists Work

Black Ops 4

Though Specialists were featured in Black Ops 3, they're being completely overhauled for the latest sequel. Originally characters with unique special abilities - like insta-kill bows - that would add a few interesting tactical variations to each match, the feature is instead being tweaked to be similar to Overwatch's heroes or Rainbow Six Siege's operators.

Coming with beefed-up abilities that are focused on getting the most out of playing as a squad, matches in BLOPS 4 will only allow one of each Specialist per team. Prioritising tactics and a cohesive squad over player freedom and choice, this system could prove to be more limiting than fans are used to, especially when there's been no word whether or not multiple players using the same Specialist will possible in custom games or casual modes.

The new system is indicative of how the sequel is moving away from the customisation of the previous titles to pre-set classes, with even individual weapons having their own unique attachments, rather than sharing the same interchangeable pool of options.

It's another case of COD following the competition rather than playing to its strengths, which could piss off more people than it pleases.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3