Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Ranking Every Multiplayer Map From Worst To Best

1. Contraband

Black Ops 4

Contraband takes what worked so well with Icebreaker and elevates it to another level, finally giving fans the underwater combat and mobility options they've craved, without them ever infringing on the pure joy of the regular, boots-on-the-ground combat.

In objective modes - be it Domination or Control - each capture point is placed somewhere that delivers those hectic bursts of anarchy, but which still feel controllable if you've got your head in the game.

The central bridge also concentrates a lot of the attritional firefights, encouraging players to team up in order to make sure nobody slips through and gets the drop on them, all the while watching out for enemies trying their luck and swimming directly through the conflict.

There's a lot going on, but it always feels controlled and, most importantly, never cheap. The beach to the side and the old WW2 bunkers make the map feel a little like World at War as well, which is always a good thing.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3