Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Ranking Every Multiplayer Map From Worst To Best

13. Seaside

Black Ops 4

In all honesty, Seaside isn't that bad when you're playing TDM-type modes, however it becomes a total s**t-show when playing anything with objectives you need to capture.

Domination especially becomes a nightmare if you don't have a good support team. Taking any of the areas with one or two players is virtually impossible, as there's a million different sight-lines you need to be watching before you inevitably get shot in the back seconds before you can secure the capture.

The side-streets on the left and right do provide some decent battlefields, but whatever they have to offer is offset by the terrible central square. A sniper's heaven, running through this area is a game of chance, as if you don't get ambushed from someone high up in one of the surrounding buildings, you could get flanked from one of the many entry points leading straight to you.

There is cover provided, but it doesn't feel like it.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3