Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Ranking Every Multiplayer Map From Worst To Best

12. Payload

Black Ops 4

Payload is a difficult map to write about because while it's not as infuriating as the previous levels, it also doesn't have much going for it either. It's fine - with a welcome blend of tight exteriors and spacious interiors inside the bunker making both long-rage and close-quarters combat viable - but there's little to make you vote for it whenever it shows up in the lobby.

Sure, traversing the outer rim to get to a vantage point and take out players in the main room can lead to some pretty intense shootouts that are a little reminiscent of Summit, but those moments are few and far between.

For the most part Payload has you pining for better maps from years gone by, and while that's not terrible, it means it won't be an area that people are pining to have remastered come Black Ops 5.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3