Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Ranking Every Multiplayer Map From Worst To Best

9. Hacienda

Black Ops 4

A map that feels as though it could have been taken straight out the original Black Ops or even Call of Duty 4, Hacienda is a testament to how simplicity is often key when it comes to COD maps. Essentially one big two-level mansion with a middle courtyard, the intuitive layout makes it easy to jump into and score kills without having to worry too much about players getting the drop on you who actually know where they're going.

That said, there is still a benefit to knowing whether to risk the lower floor or stick to the high ground, as well as which stairs are off limits depending on where you spawn. The outside of the mansion is just as good as well, with a small fenced garden making for an amazing little CQC area that remains fun to keep throwing yourself at.

The other side fares a little worse, with the garage making spawn killing likely if you're not careful, but you can easily avoid spending too much time there but dipping straight into the building.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3