Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Ranking Every Multiplayer Map From Worst To Best

8. Slums

Black Ops 4

A staple of Black Ops 2, Slums remains one of the most iconic Call of Duty maps ever. The central square is brilliantly laid out, as despite there being about five different entry points, you never feel like it's not viable to stick around and rack up kills. The sight-lines that provide overwatch down the left and right sides make for some great long-ranged battles too, without spoiling the fun of the square itself by making players there easy targets.

The blue building at the side of the map is still utter hell to capture in objective modes, but the frantic anarchy is certainly part of the charm considering everywhere else is rather spacious. Still, one grenade in there and you're done - which is both satisfying and infuriating depending on which side of it you find yourself on.

Though it's quick and easy to get around, Slums is always surprising in its size and complexity, home to a bunch of intricately-designed areas that function as great little mini-zones in their own right.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3