Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Ranking Every Multiplayer Map From Worst To Best

7. Frequency

Black Ops 4

Another level that could have been ripped out of Infinite Warfare, Frequency revels in the same kind of artificial sci-fi environments that made those maps at least visual appealing in spite of their dreadful layouts.

More than just sharing the aesthetic though, Frequency also feels like it's been partly constructed with wall running and double jumping in mind, as there are a few gaps which encourage throwing yourself over, but which only end up leading to your own unfortunate suicide.

Still, while it does take a little while to unlearn those bad habits (probably after a couple cheap deaths), Frequency is at its best when it's hopped around, using the elevation to your advantage to get the drop on enemies.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3