Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Ranking Every Specialist From Worst To Best

7. Prophet

Call of duty black ops 4

Prophet is so close to being a wall-to-wall badass, but his shocker drone is just that tad unreliable, and his Tempest rifle feels fundamentally too slow and floaty for the speed of the game overall.

Breaking it down, you've got an R1/RB ground-based shocker that'll seek out enemies and root them to the spot. It's perfect for getting the drop on someone, but if they're facing your way, you can still get taken you out through hip-fire. Still, this is a great - if not cheap - way to guarantee a kill or take out a player for a few seconds. Depending on the mode and score, it could make all the difference.

That rifle though? Eeesh.

Tempest is supposedly useful for shocking other players and using chain lightning to affect an entire group. Great for tactical insertions if your teammates can do the rest, but in every other situation you're better off bagging the kill and moving on - something that takes multiple darts or an ineffectual weapon-swap to do.

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