Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Ranking Every Specialist From Worst To Best

6. Firebreak

call of duty black ops 4 firebreak

Another of the newbies, a good Firebreak player can decimate the opposition.

Not only is his Ultimate a jet-stream of white hot fire, but Firebreak's "grenade" is a radial effect, nuclear radiation burn, meaning once you get used to how it can be used, entire teams are scorched through walls or even from above and below.

There's a bit of a learning curve to both these abilities; the former having a slight charge-up that almost feels anathema to the speed of COD play, and the latter needing to be treated like a speed-o-meter, catching the radiation gauge in the right spot.

Both are very fun once you get them down, and though Firebreak is potentially overpowered, that latter ability does affect his movement pretty severely.

A welcome new addition, and one of the most OTT characters on the squad overall.

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