Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Ranking Every Specialist From Worst To Best

4. Seraph

black ops 4 seraph

A personal favourite, Seraph's main ability is shaking up drop zones by creating custom spawn points for the squad. Just drop her recon beacon, and your teammates can now spawn in the surrounding area, giving you a neat boost towards your Scorestreak.

Seraph can be essential during those closing moments of any team-based game mode, as suddenly your entire team can beam right back into the objective, keeping the pressure on. Not to mention, dropping the Beacon in tricky areas such as ventilation shafts or the outskirts of balconies will keep the enemy guessing.

For her Ultimate, it's a one-shot pistol capable of wiping out whole squads if you're on your game. The perfect accompaniment for when you need to go on the all-out offensive.

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