Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Ranking Every Specialist From Worst To Best

3. Nomad

black ops 4 nomad

Speaking of an all-out offensive, Nomad's one-dog K9 unit Ultimate is fast-becoming the go-to example of Call of Duty being a little too cheap.

Essentially it's a one-hit kill, up to three times. You'll deploy the little guy with the push of a button, to which the game's A.I. then decides who to target based on which enemy is firing and their position to you. At time of writing, Nomad's K9 A.I. can still be a little suspect, but he literally chews through the opposition with ease during a hectic firefight.

Atop this already overpowered ability, your standard R1/RB drop is a couple of "Mesh Mines" - laser trip-wires that'll blast opponents' legs off whenever they walk by. These are best used by tucking them into hiding and cover spots, but placing them opposite one another guarantees enough damage to level everyone in the vicinity.

Go play as Nomad right now. Chances are that little pooch won't stay so powerful for very long.

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