Call Of Duty: Blackout - 10 Essential Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

2. Use Split-Screen To Set Up An Ambush

Call Of Duty Blackout Split Screen

They kept this quiet, no?

Yes, it turns out Blackout supports local split-screen, and besides being the first time any battle royale game has supported the feature, it means you can talk tactics better than online communication allows.

By literally monitoring each other's screens, you can canvas more of the map at once. Placing one of your guys in a specific spot while the other provides cover means you'll nearly always get the drop on any other players out in the field - and that's before you shake up a standard combat encounter by having someone watching your back.

Best of all, in Duos you don't go down for the count when shot - instead entering a wounded state that your partner can revive from. With all these tactics combined, a coordinated split-screen duo is arguably the most formidable team in the game.

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