Call Of Duty: Blackout - 10 Essential Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

1. DON'T Play It Like Call Of Duty

Black Ops 4

The most important information I can pass on for COD: Blackout, is to all-but forget it's a Call of Duty game.

The sense of "flow" you get into when in an intense firefight? It'll last seconds at the most, leaving you to focus on camouflage, vehicle acquisition, loot-acquisition and movement.

Point being: Chasing after that feeling, or trying to play this by actively looking for players will get you killed.

There's a big stealth element to any battle royale, and that's the polar opposite of Call of Duty, especially the multiplayer. Know that COD's signature responsiveness is right there waiting for you when things do kick off, but for 90% of the time, this more a super polished, first-person battle royale, more than anything else.

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