Call Of Duty: Every Game Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Call Of Duty 2

Call Of Duty Franchise

Before Activision felt the need for sub-titles, Call Of Duty 2 was a perfect escalation of what made the first Call Of Duty so good. It was harder, more challenging and far more intense too, and it basically invented the controversial but pretty much essential regenerating health bar that's in every shooter now. That made for a more fluid experience and got rid of the frustrating need to go hunting for health packs.

And though there were complaints at the supposedly unnecessary handicapping of the game, COD 2 is still one of the hardest games in the entire series (such is the luxury of slightly lesser widespread fandom). The enemies are certainly the hardest to deal with.

As an exercise in balancing toughness, entertainment and length (this was before campaigns lasted 25 minutes if you were lucky), it's a brilliant overall package.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.