Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare - Ranking Every Multiplayer Map Worst To Best

9. Euphrates Bridge

Modern Warfare

Under the right conditions, Euphrates Bridge can be one of the best maps in Modern Warfare. The unique structure, with the elevated bridge in the middle surrounded by two open spaces, gives the multiplayer suite some much-needed verticality.

Likewise, storming the bridge with a team and taking it from the enemy can be thrilling, making for king-of-the-hill style play in an era where multiplayer games no longer care about actually including king of the hill modes.

However, more often than not the level devolves into a total slog. If you're on the losing team with a bunch of brain-dead idiots, it's easy to get pinned down on either side by fire coming from high and low.

At that point, there's not much you can do other than sit at the back with a sniper and try to get as many kills as possible before the timer runs out.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3