Call Of Duty: Ranking Every Game Mode From Worst To Best

30. Safeguard

Call Of Duty Modes

'Escort mission' is a term that many gamers hate to hear, as guiding a helpless NPC from one point to another is usually an exasperating experience. Black Ops III's Safeguard fits the definition to a tee, tasking one team with moving a non-hostile robot into the opposition's spawn.

The robot only moves when players are in its immediate vicinity. More annoyingly it follows a preset path and unique strategies cannot be applied to get it to its destination. As a result, games are almost always skewed in the defender's favour, as they can litter the route with proximity-based explosives and guard each chokepoint.

The source of many rage quits, attacking can be very simple if the defenders are ambushed from behind, but the fact that their spawn is next to the robot's final destination means that they are back in the fray before much can be made in the way of progress. It's not surprising, therefore, that the mode has yet to make another appearance.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.