Call Of Duty: World War 2 - 10 Iconic COD Features That Must Return

6. All Multiplayer Maps From World At War

Call Of Duty Ww2

Which was your favourite? Castle, with its intersecting pathways and vicious courtyards? Dome that gave fierce firefights at each second floor balcony? Or there's also Downfall, with it's open spaces and tanks dotted around.

The World at War combat arenas were made at a time when Call of Duty had hit the mainstream in a big way. It sold 15.7 million copies against Call of Duty 2's 5.9 million, Call of Duty 3's 7.2 million and equalled the mighty Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare in sales figures. They were classic COD multiplayer that fit the soundbites of the WWII reveal: boots-on-the-ground, fast-paced matches.

It's not too much of a stretch to say that there could be a bundle of older, remastered maps alongside the obligatory new ones made just for COD: WWII. It would be a great reward for those veteran players as well as offering great value for newcomers who may not have experienced the older era of warfare from COD.


Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.