Call Of Duty: World War 2 - 10 Iconic COD Features That Must Return

7. The Pick Ten System

Call Of Duty Ww2

Introduced with Black Ops II, the Pick Ten system revolutionized the way players customised their multiplayer experience. Instead of being bound to presets, the Pick Ten let you fill ten slots with a variety of weaponry and accessories.

It meant, for instance, that you could leave the grenades at home and beef up your primary and secondary guns with attachments instead. Or use Wildcards, which give the ability to add a third attachment to a primary weapon, or a second attachment to a secondary weapon.

This solution was far more elegant than the sometimes unbalanced systems of earlier games and prevented abuse of the perk system. If used again or modified for COD: WWII, it could allow for balancing for potentially OP weapons like the MP40 or flamethrower where they use more points than lesser weapons.


Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.