Call Of Duty: World War 2 - 10 Iconic COD Features That Must Return

4. Spec Ops

Call Of Duty Ww2

OK, so it can't be called Spec Ops - but the chance to play co-op missions that adapt the single player campaign into gruelling, one-shot challenges is a thrilling one. Borne out of the desire to add co-op into the main campaign, Spec Ops was well-received by players after it was first introduced with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

The mode also appeared in Modern Warfare 3 and later games rotated between Zombie and Extinction modes to satisfy the desire for co-op gameplay.

The missions could rely on the same types of play: defending points on a map, traversing an area facing off against 'Juggernaut' style foes, infiltrating bunkers with breach and clear style tactics, causing carnage with flamethrowers, defusing bombs or destroying weapons caches in a European village...the possibilities are endless. The chance for the player to go undercover on a stealth mission whilst another player watches over with a sniper rifle would be tense gameplay at its finest.


Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.