Call Of Duty WWII: 10 Huge Leaked Details You Need To Know

7. WW2 Themed Weapon Customisation

Call Of Duty Wwii Nazi Zombies

When it was announced that Call of Duty was returning to World War 2, there was a worry that Activision and Sledgehammer were only going to pay lip-service to the iconography of the setting, throwing authenticity to the side in favour of the out-of-place customisation and anachronistic weapon attachments that players have come to expect.

While there's still some of that revisionist history going on in the name of making the game fun however, the developers are thankfully making sure that players can customise and personalise their weapons in a way that remains in line with the time period.

Consequently, while camos are still readily available, weapons skins have been given designs that are inspired by the culture and art of the time.

Mimicking the style of 1940s posters, cartoons and propaganda, the customisation available in the new game will thankfully be entirely unique and different from anything else in the series, ensuring that immersion isn't broken too much by a player's own personal taste.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3