Call Of Duty WWII: 10 Huge Leaked Details You Need To Know

6. What 'Headquarters' Actually Is

Call Of Duty Wwii Nazi Zombies

When the reveal trailer for WW2 peeled back to reveal more Call of Duty players than ever before occupying the same map, it teased a major change for the franchise.

Eventually detailed as the sequel's 'Headquarters' lobby, the shot was reflective of the place where players will be able to hang out in between matches in the upcoming game, but now we finally know what you can do in this hub world that isn't just griefing other players.

A lot like Destiny's social space, the HQ in WW2 will allow players to customise their weapons, cash in contracts and open loot boxes.

Offering a more social experience than just doing these things in a lobby, the headquarters is a place for you to keep engaging with the game in some form even during downtime.

It's not as big of a change as some fans may have wanted, but the ability to open your rewards in real time and interact with other players between games will at least make the sequel's multiplayer suite feel more alive than ever before.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3