Call Of Duty WWII: 10 Huge Leaked Details You Need To Know

4. New Perks And Classes For Zombies

Call Of Duty Wwii Nazi Zombies

While Call of Duty's Zombies mode has progressively gotten more and more complex as the franchise has worn on, Call of Duty: WW2 is taking the iconic mode to another level.

Introducing four different classes - an offensive character with unlimited ammo, a medic that can revive other players, a support class that buffs allies, and a crowd-control heavy - there'll be more tactical options than ever in WW2.

Likewise, away from the multitude of regular perks, this time around each class will also get their own unique abilities that can be chosen before a game begins. Specifically benefitting the abilities of the different play styles, these class-specific perks are designed to make each player's role more effective on the battlefield.

Although there's a lot of charm in Zombies' simplicity, the added depth to the system could keep the mode varied and interesting for much longer than it might have been for both newcomers and longtime players alike.


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