Call Of Duty WWII: 10 Huge Leaked Details You Need To Know

5. Contracts And Daily Orders

Call Of Duty Wwii Nazi Zombies

Although Call of Duty games have always been full of challenges to complete for XP, this classic system is being given a complete overhaul for the latest sequel.

Being built into the title's HQ lobby, the hub world will allow players to visit vendors to receive daily, weekly and special orders to complete in return for XP and gear. Feeding into the loot box system, these contracts will encourage players to pursue different objectives for the chance to win exotic items, weapons and cosmetics.

Contracts work similarly by the sounds of things too, except with a much stricter time limit and the chance to win higher-tier gear.

There's going to be a bigger focus on completing mini-challenges and carrying out specific orders during multiplayer matches than ever before when WW2 drops in November, and it will hopefully make the loot box system a bit less intrusive in return.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3