Call Of Duty WWII: 10 Huge Leaked Details You Need To Know

2. Every Multiplayer Weapon

Call Of Duty Wwii Nazi Zombies

There was no doubt that Sledgehammer Games were going to make the most of the World War 2 setting when it came to their selection of period-specific weaponry for COD: WW2, and unlike EA's problem with Battlefield 1, the devs didn't have to sacrifice the amount of guns for the sake of authenticity.

Consequently fans can expect to see over 30 weapons when the game ships in November, not including the still unknown unique variants that can be unlocked by maxing out each of the six Division classes.

Depending on how you look at it though, it could be disappointing that there's nothing really included included in the list of guns that players haven't already seen in countless WW2 games throughout the years, but it's still impressive that Sledgehammer have been able to include virtually every iconic weapon from the era.

A combination of semi and fully-automatic weapons like the M1 Garand and the BAR make up the assault class, while you can expect to find Grease Gun SMGs and Lee Enfield snipers elsewhere. It's all familiar stuff, but it's still great to finally see these iconic weapons once again.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3