Castlevania Season 3 Review: 5 Ups & 2 Downs

2. The New Characters Are Great

Castelvania Morana Lenore Carmilla Striga

If there's one thing that we see all too often in television, it's that shows often struggle to introduce new characters. Whether they force them to the forefront too fast or just make them intolerable, fans sometimes struggle to respond well to these newcomers. And yet, for the second year running Castlevania has proven to be one of the most competent in this area.

Yes, much like Season 2 expanded the cast of characters in order to give it a larger main-event feel, Season 3 also repopulates the show to pad out all of the new locations - and, surprisingly, all of them make for great additions to the show.

The charismatic Saint Germain adds both colour and intrigue to Trevor and Sypha's new town-setting, while Sumi and Taka provide Alucard's somewhat solo narrative with some life. However, the best additions come in the form of Carmilla's three sisters-in-arms Lenore, Striga and Morana - all of whom intricately begin plotting their takeover following Dracula's demise.

With some of the newcomers sticking around, and others deciding to move on, the potential fourth season could end up looking very different... and after this season's promising new tone, that's certainly not a bad thing.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.