Comic-Con 2014: 10 Titles Every Gamer Wants To See

6. Assassin's Creed: Unity

It's a really weird state of affairs looking at a new title and knowing exactly how it's going to play, but thanks to an annual release schedule for the past seven years and very little in the way of the core mechanics being changed, one look at the developers playing through the heavily-scripted section shown at E3 and we all know it's more of the same. Yes the location has changed again, and those graphics are suitably jaw-dropping - especially with the advanced crowd physics - but as soon as we saw the game in motion and the combat started again, it's just another go-round. Go here, eavesdrop this, stab that, collect this - rinse and repeat. Still, AC: Black Flag did manage to recover the rocky footing part three put the franchise on, so all that's needed now is for Ubisoft to prove there's more to the game's new features than just a dynamic multiplayer option where people can drop in and out at random.
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