Comic-Con 2014: 10 Titles Every Gamer Wants To See

7. Mass Effect 4

Still piecing together their reputation following one of the worst endings in video game history, Bioware came out of E3 barely having anything to say or show other than "Look at the new shiny graphics engine we've got!" There were no new characters, nothing alluding to the events of the core trilogy, and most importantly absolutely no attempt at getting across why they feel the need to return to the franchise in the first place. What we need coming out of Comic-Con is a solid display of pure fan-service; talk about this new, No Man's Sky-sounding universe that's supposedly absolutely gargantuan, extending across many planets all with different characteristics and scenery, as the last time this idea was mentioned we got a few copy-and-pasted interiors spread across some mountain ranges in the first game. As well as this we need a cavalcade of loveable characters we can believe in to carry the series forward. The team have stated Shepard's story is finished, and being the protagonist was always something of a custom one anyway, we need to see who we're going to be exploring the galaxy with, and why.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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