Comic-Con 2014: 10 Titles Every Gamer Wants To See

2. Alien: Isolation

Try and think of a genuinely amazing Aliens game. You can't can you? Chances are the nearest thing you'll get is likes of Predator: Concrete Jungle, and even then it's only because you dispatch countless Aliens in that game, rather than control or fear them. If you change the question to bad games, of course the laughably awful Aliens: Colonial Marines instantly pops up as a very elaborate manual on how not to make an Aliens game. So for Isolation, developer Monolith are focussing on following the established first-person horror formula shown in the likes of Outlast, Slender Man and Amnesia, except the twist in the tale this time is there's a hulking great acid-tongued Xenomorph after you. It's pretty scary stuff, as you have no means to fight the creature, and if it drops out of a vent right in front of you of course you have to turn tail and run, as not doing so fast enough results in you being plucked off the floor and gutted right there and then. With support for the Oculus Rift meaning your field of view is completely engulfed by the game's environments, this could be one of the most pure horror experiences so far, backed up by a creature that's never even remotely been done justice the right way.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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