Comic-Con 2014: 10 Titles Every Gamer Wants To See

1. Middle-earth: Shadow Of Mordor

Shadow of Mordor was initially looked down upon for being far too similar to the already mass-cloned Assassin's Creed series - that first gameplay reveal had the exact same climbing mechanic, view and HUD elements as the AC games - but now it's blossomed into something far more tantalising, thanks to the combined talents of Troy Baker's impeccable voice work and a universe that's just bursting with untapped potential. Set between The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings and playing as Talion, the game has managed to thoroughly distance itself from the likes of the Creed series by offering a constantly-changing open world where you have influence on any number of characters at one time. Through forging and breaking alliances constantly it appears you'll be able to turn orcs against their masters and gradually turn the tide as you deploy a range of spectral Wraith-based powers along the way too. Needless to say it's shaping up to be pretty special, and with the third Hobbit movie on its way this year, it makes perfect sense to show off more of the game at the panel too. Which titles are you hoping make an appearance amongst the swathe of movie trailers and comic news? Let us know in the comments!
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