Complete History Of WWE Video Games - Part 1 (1987-1995)

5. "WWF Wrestlefest" (Arcade) 1991

05 Wrestlefest ArcadePlayable Roster: Hulk Hogan, Warrior, Ted DiBiase, Bossman, Sgt Slaughter, Smash, Jake the Snake, Crush, Earthquake and Mr Perfect. WWF went back to the Arcade again in 1991 and let Technos Japan have another crack at releasing a game based on their product. Unsurprisingly it was a direct sequel to WWF Superstars, adding a few more wrestlers and even better graphics than before. Additionally, it was home to authentic sound files this time, including snippets of commentary and ring introductions. Most notable was inclusion of impressive double team moves, which encouraged multiplayer as it allowed for up to four players to join in simultaneously. Again, it was designed to eat up your pocket money, with adding more coins being the only way to regain health in the game. Staying on the apron of the ring didn't help, although it did let you build up some power before making the "hot tag" and being momentarily invulnerable to attacks. Two modes were available in the game. Saturday Night's Main Event was a tag team tournament akin to the first arcade game, although this time building up to a Tag Team Title match against the Legion of Doom. Royal Rumble was, as expected based on the Royal Rumble match, though you could be eliminated by pin fall and submission as well as being thrown over the top. Weirdly Mr. Perfect and Ted DiBiase did not have moves that could throw anyone out of the match. Like it's predecessor, it had more great cartoon like graphics and sprites representative of the wrestlers. The characters even had authentic pre match taunts, which matched the wrestler in question. It also allowed for more weapons at ringside, including adding the ability to remove the steel steps and introduce them to someone's face. Like the other arcade game, it was more of a quick brawl to remove your opponents health than it was a wrestling simulator. It's simple with not much variety, but is obviously more aimed at multiplayer madness being that it is an arcade game. The game was so popular that it spawned a re-release in 2012 for iOS featuring a mix of past and current wrestlers like the Undertaker, the Rock, John Cena, Stone Cold and more as well as numerous DLC packs to bolster the roster.
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I''m a freelance media producer and writer. Im into sports, gaming, TV and music but I mostly write about wrestling. Thanks for reading!