Smackdown vs Raw 2011 (2010) All PS, DS, Wii, 360

Finally, the Smackdown vs Raw series came to an end with this installment of the franchise. It also marked the end for WWE games on the PSP and PS2 consoles. Batista and Shawn Michaels made their last appearances as normal members of the roster though both would return as legends in later games. With it, came improved physics that fixed some of the problems that had plagued previous games. Tables broke more realistically and now ladders could be smashed as well, following the trend of WWE's suddenly breakable ladders. Hell in a Cell was expanded allowing for more movement outside the ring and steel steps were added allowing for use as weapons as used extensively on TV. You could also now smash through the cage wall to get outside the cage. WWE Universe was a new addition that organically created storylines and rivalries as you played through. These appeared at random times, driving storylines forward and reacted to how you played eventually placing you in title contendership lists. Sometimes these lists took a lot of work to get to the game to recognize the title you wanted a certain star to have but for the most part it worked well. Road to Wrestlemania added the ability to roam backstage and interact with even more superstars. This year's incarnation included stories for four WWE superstars or one using a Created Wrestler to beat the Undertaker's Streak. Create a Finisher now added a corner finisher and story designer was upgraded with even more stuff like sound clips from commentators and real entrance themes. It was also the first Smackdown game to have an Online Pass that existed for an online mode that was again completely broken. Again, Smackdown had just expanded on the formula that came before it. For fans again, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing as 2010 was one of the better installments. Single player, Create modes, Road to Wrestlemania and WWE Universe were all fun but the online was a frustrating experience. It suffered from terrible lag and downloading creations was a case of constantly being disconnected from the servers. Disregarding that, it was another decent entry in the series even if things were getting slightly tedious. Things were finally changed up in the next installment in the series.