Complete History Of WWE Video Games - Part 4 (2005-2013)

WWE All Stars (Ps2/3/PSP/Wii/3DS/360) 2011

08 WWE All Stars WWE All Stars was another completely different game style, being ridiculously over the top and fast paced. It was based around the idea of the biggest WWE Stars from the past taking on superstars from the current era. Superstars were again huge, beefier versions of themselves and it relied on tying together massive combos both in the ring and the air leading up to stupidly exaggerated finishing moves. Its most welcoming feature was the Fantasy Warfare matches, which pit wrestlers from the past against current stars. Though the matches were nothing different from the rest of the game they did come with expertly put together pre match promos hyping each match. These videos cut footage of both wrestlers who had never met together to create a promo for each fantasy match. Some were excellent with the CM Punk vs Stone Cold fantasy match being particularly great. And this was BEFORE CM Punk dropped his pipe bomb and became a mega star. They would later record an interview together for WWE 13 which again teased a real life confrontation between the two that we have yet to (and may never) see. There's also a Path of Champions mode but again was only a few matches until you made it to the end and included no storylines. While fans had always wanted to be able to pit the legends against the current stars, most wanted them in a simulation and not in this over the top way. Gameplay was a fun change for a while but again its distinct lack of extra features didn't encourage repeat play like its Smackdown brethren.
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WWE 2K14
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I''m a freelance media producer and writer. Im into sports, gaming, TV and music but I mostly write about wrestling. Thanks for reading!