Crash Bandicoot: Ranking Every Game From Worst To Best

12. Crash: Mind Over Mutant

Crash bandicoot
Radical Entertainment

This game is utterly f***ing ludicrous, and that's putting it lightly.

The bizarre redesigns that genuinely boggle the mind, the repetitive yawn-inducing battles - if you can call them that - and the worst offence, the concept. It should've probably been the primary aspect mentioned.

Mind Over Mutant is actually a 3D beat 'em up, which unfortunately isn't a lie. Its predominant focus on this flawed ideology makes it feel like a rehash of Golden Axe: Beast Rider with Crash Bandicoot shamelessly thrown over it.

You don't remember Golden Axe: Beast Rider, do you? There's a very good reason for that.

As a direct sequel to Crash of The Titans, it should stand on its own demerits, but it fails to differentiate itself from its predecessor so intermittently that it feels like a glorified DLC. Which doesn't come as a surprise as in reality there is less than a year between their relase dates, and with sales tanking so hard it would be nearly a full-decade before we saw Crash again.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: