Cyberpunk 2077: 8 Cyberpunk Games You Must Play Before Release

7. E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy (2011)

Cyberpunk 2077
Streum on studio

Inspired by the role-playing board game “A.V.A.” E.Y.E. Is set in a quasi mythological dystopian world where the player takes on the role of a cybernetic super soldier who is part of an elite group of warrior monks funded by several mega corporations.

Their ultimate goal being the overthrow of the Federation, an all encompassing government body that rules humanity.

The game itself is great fun if you can muster enough patience to get past it's confusing story, lack of any real tutorial, clunky interface, and unforgiving nature. All this aside, it's cyberpunk through and through and should be experienced at least once by fans of the genre.


Tyler Gates exists in small town middle America. His life is dotted by violent encounters with hillbillies, night jobs, alcohol binges, and the occasional cult abduction. Besides pretending to be a writer, he occupies his time with illegal home-made hot air balloon races.