Cyberpunk 2077: 8 Cyberpunk Games You Must Play Before Release

5. Beneath A Steel Sky (1994)

Cyberpunk 2077
Revolution Software

Another point and click adventure, Beneath a Steel Sky was originally released in 1994, but was lucky enough to be followed by a remastered edition in 2009. Its story is set in an unknown time in Earth's history where pollution and nuclear fallout have all but left our planet in ruins.

The majority of humanity live in gigantic “city states” owned and managed by mega corporations. Our protagonist is Robert Foster, who before being kidnapped by soldiers working for Union City lived in “The Gap” - what we know today as Australia's outback.

Robert must make his way from the top of the sprawling metropolis down to the bowels of the city, along the way unfolding a story full of classic cyberpunk tropes.

I won't spoil it for you, pick up the iOS version. It's an incredibly fun time-killer while on a long trip or a rainy day. If spending money on something like this isn't your thing, you can pick it up for free on GOG.


Tyler Gates exists in small town middle America. His life is dotted by violent encounters with hillbillies, night jobs, alcohol binges, and the occasional cult abduction. Besides pretending to be a writer, he occupies his time with illegal home-made hot air balloon races.