Cyberpunk 2077: 9 Gameplay Features You Haven't Heard About

3. A Neat Way To Take In ALL That Detail

Cyberpunk 2077
CD Projekt Red

Immersive worlds need one thing: Detail.

If anything is going to convince us that something is real, it’s the tiny details, not necessarily awesome visuals or the atmospheric soundtrack - as important as those are. Instead it's the conversations happening in the background, the small print on textures, the continuation of events happening far away, whether you're actively paying attention or not.

Fortunately for us, Cyberpunk 2077 seems to have an excellent feature for us to play around with. First-person zoom.

But what does it mean? Well, it means observing things in the distance that otherwise you wouldn’t have seen. Or, better yet, things you have seen, but want to observe more clearly.

With a world so rich and alive as Cyberpunk, those who have played Red Dead 2 on PC will understand how much time is lost just LOOKING at everything.


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