Cyberpunk 2077: 9 Gameplay Features You Haven't Heard About

2. NPC Dialogue

Cyberpunk 2077

Character interaction is somewhat going through an evolution. Gone are the days (mostly) where you would wonder up to an important character, press the interact button, cue the fade to black, and sit through tedious, robotic dialogue, pointing you from A to B without a hint of realism or interest in world-building.

Enter CDPR with Cyberpunk 2077, where NPC dialogue now seems as seamless and streamlined as ever.

Cutscenes and character interactions are practically playable, without a moment to pause or stop, as you float around the scene as you would at any other moment during the game, experiencing the world and story develop in front of you.

NPCs will try and catch your attention in the street, whistle you down and lure you in. Immersion is rewarded, meaning the more the user puts into the game, the more they will get out of it.

The people are alive in Cyberpunk, and if you don’t interact with them, you may miss out.


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