Cyberpunk 2077: 9 Major Fixes It Needs ASAP

7. NPCs Animation Variation & Reacting To You In The Same Way

Cyberpunk 2077
CD Projekt Red

Speaking of half-baked, Cyberpunk's NPCs can often feel like set dressing.

Yes, you can be propositioned by sex workers when walking through specific districts and there are a range of animations many individuals can pose in... but that's it.

Even for the latter point, many pedestrians will repeat the same animations in the same spot, with only their skins changing - as though the game has been told to populate a specific corner with a set number of people doing one thing, and only the aesthetic can change.

This all comes after Senior Level Designer Miles Tost and Senior Quest Designer Philipp Weber told German gaming site Gamestar that over 1000 NPC types in Cyberpunk would "have handmade routines".

Also, pull a gun out or engage in criminal behaviour and every NPC will - all at once - duck for cover in the exact same animation, on the spot.

It's one of the many aspects of the game that again feels strangely unfinished, considering the confidence CD Projekt were exuding pre-release.

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